So, I’ve known about the MBTI Personality Test for a long time. When I was younger, about five years ago or so, I took it and scored to be a INFP, or Introverted; Intuitive; Feeling; and Perceptiving. Five years later, now, I scored to be a INTP and about three years ago, I took the test again as well and scored INFP and INTP with only a 3% difference between Feeling and Thinking. I like to think that my score changed because when I first took the test I was dealing with major trauma from past abuse, neglect and a ton of other not-so-fun things as well as mental health issues. Now I still deal with those things, but unlike before I’m actually dealing with them.
    I took the test on “16 Personalities” (I will put a link at the end so you can take the test as well if you so desire). It asked odd questions that reminded me of the test you take on Pottermore to decide which house you belong to (Slytherin, if you’re curious). So, I was very curious as to what people and characters share my personality type and because I’m a loser and a sucker for motivational posters, alignment charts and everything similar, I had to find my favourite characters that share the same personality type as well. Now, since the MBTI is based on psychology by Carl Jung, and not really developed or created by actual psychologists, it’s more of a pseudoscience and not entirely reliable. Since the MBTI isn’t entirely reliable on logic or medical facts, it’s really impossible to type anyone 100% accurately. It’s even more unlikely to type a fictional character accurately since they don’t truly exist. However, among the characters that I saw were under the same MBTI as me were:
Egon Spengler from Ghostbusters.
Adam from Only Lovers Left Alive.
Bruce Banner from Marvel Comics.
Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds BAU.
Donnie Darko from Donnie Darko.
Daniel “Oz” Osbourne from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Edward Nigma/The Riddler from DC Comics.
Luna Lovegood  from the Harry Potter series.
Rowena Ravenclaw from the Harry Potter series.
    Some traits of an INTP are being quiet, reserved and thoughtful; they enjoy theoretical thinking and are flexible and tolerant. INTP’s tend to be highly logical and objective in their thinking which is typically “outside the box”. They are introverts like the type suggests, independant, over analytical, absent minded and cannot enjoy small talk like most people as they find it boring and unimportant. They are considered lazy and/or procrastinators and have thousands of things going on in their mind at any given second. They also have the highest chance to try and pick up a second or even third language as well as being quite witty (therefore knowledgeable of their own language).

    Also, of course, Sigourney Weaver is an INTP too, so we share something in common. (She’s the coolest person on the planet beside J.K.Rowling.)

MBTI Personality Test Link
