Let's Make Some Sense of Bellamione

    I know that this is a highly (highly) debatable ship. It’s clearly not canon, but I don’t need canon when I want to write fanfiction. I write fanfiction (and read fanfiction) so that I can experience something different with my favourite characters and Hermione and Bellatrix are two of my favourite characters. Two out of the top 5 anyway. Maybe that list’ll be posted, but it honestly changes very often so it would be pointless.
    Anyway, today’s topic is Bellamione. Hmm. Well, Bellatrix and Hermione. They hate each other, Bellatrix carved the word ‘mudblood’ into Hermione’s arm and tortured her relentlessly during the Malfoy Manor Skirmish. Yes, they love each other!
     That’s not really how I see it. I know, and have seen many opinions on this ship, that many people do see it that way. Especially those people who are into carving as a sexual kink and whatnot. Or branding? What is it called? I don’t really know and I’m honestly scared to look it up, but from all the fanfictions I’ve read, it usually involves a prophecy and Hermione ‘turning Dark’ (which means that she becomes a death eater, is a death eater, joins Voldemort in a way that doesn’t make her a death eater, or something where she leaves Harry and co. or just Dumbledore because Harry is her friend). So, I have actually planned out a few weeks ahead for this blog and I plan to review one of my favourite fanfictions of all time that has Bellatrix and Hermione paired together romantically and it’s really good. It is also one of those fanfictions that deals with a prophecy, but most of the good fanfictions deal with that. Although, sometimes, I wish that there was a different spin on the story of Hermione and Bellatrix.

    The cool thing about Bellatrix and Hermione is that they are both super powerful witches and they are both extremely smart and important to the story. So, imagine if they teamed up and overthrew everyone or worked together on one ‘side’ or the other and won the war that way. They are like a power duo and kick major ass. They are both beautiful so many of us would like to see them in a cute relationship situations especially since they are both very unsure of romantic relationships since they are either busy fighting, learning, or in Bellatrix’s case, stuck in a marriage and imprisoned in Azkaban for most of the story.
    So, I’m writing a few fanfictions with Bellatrix/Hermione and one of them is called Zombie Queen. It’s titled after a song by this band called Ghost B.C (they’re really cool, I would check them out if you like metal that doesn’t really sound like metal, metal, or just really amazing music). It’s about Hermione if she was actually Voldemort’s daughter, which many, many fanfiction authors have written about, but my thing is that I love necromancy and necromancers. So, Hermione is a necromancer and yes, there is a prophecy, but it isn’t super important I guess since it’s more like my own guidelines. Then Harry is killed by his ‘friends’ who are actually traitors who want his fortune and is brought back to life by Hermione and lives with him. There’s just a ton (how much is a ton? A TON!) tension (sexual, romantic, friendly, etc) between Harry and Voldemort (which we’ll talk about later) and Hermione and Bellatrix.

    I wish that I could find a really amazing Bellamione fanfiction, but it’s not a very popular ship. I think that it’s because they are so different, they are both female (and the majority of fanfiction is written by straight females who prefer MxF relationships or MxM relationships), and they are actually a little difficult to make an original plot for and put together. They are all over the place but they are also very, very fun to write! I love playing Bellatrix and I love playing Hermione because they are both like a half of myself, or that’s what I like to think. I mean, Hermione and Bellatrix are smart, resourceful, powerful, independent, beautiful and magnificent women who can really do anything. In fact, they do everything they want (or Bellatrix does at least) and Hermione manages to get everyone she cares about out of sticky situations with her sheer intellect and Bellatrix manages to save who she cares about with utter force and output of power. One is sane and logical and the other is unstable and sporadic in choice making but nonetheless effective in problem solving.
    I really like this ship, and I’m not sure why I enjoy them so much, or if there’s some weird psychology to it, but I do enjoy them.
